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International launch of a pan-European educational project

Brussels, November 14, 2012
Bronks Theater

Varkensmarkt 15-17
1000 Brussels

Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is prohibited by Article 13 of the EC Treaty and the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, the current social situation for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgender (LGBT) persons in the European Union remains difficult. The comprehensive study on “Homophobia and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation in the EU member states” (2008, part I-2009, part II) shows the extent of the problem, which, at local level LGBT associations are well aware of. This is why the applicant built a partnership for researching into stereotypes in school and wants to support the creation of an educational tool for compulsory schooling, because only prevention and promotion since early age can make a difference in such a cultural context.The idea to do a transnational research involving Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Bulgaria (as well as UK for the context analysis and policies part) stems from the fact that these countries are very different for what concerns the state of the art with respect to LGBT human rights and education to LGBT issues in schools. We know the construction of gender begins early, and teachers must be helped in understanding how to help children and youth in fighting the asymmetries of social stereotypes as education is a means of achieving justice and equality in gender relations. It’s unusual to see products in television where the sexual diversity is part of the plot, while there are films made for children which promote respect of homosexuality, or less rigid roles in sports, art or else. The project connects EU gay and lesbian associations, schools, media professionals promoting the rights of children and young people to their sexual identity and who educate out of homophobia, in order to study stereotypes and challenge them with educational tools.

The main objectives of the project are the development of:

The most important outcomes of this project, namely the educational toolkit, the playful toolkit and the overal research will be presented in extension during this international launch in Brussels.

Program of the Launch at Bronks Theater – 14/11/2012


13.30: Reception of the particpants

14.00: Presentation

15.35: Coffee break

15.50: Presentation

17.00: Final statement / Reception


The RAINBOW project is a joint initiative of







With the support of




