Belgium: Jekino-Films
Belgium: ECFA – European Children’s Film Association
Bulgaria: Sapi
Italy: CIG - Centro d'Iniziativa Gay (Arcigay Milano)
Italy: Arcigay
Italy: Synergia s.r.l.
Italy: ArciLesbica
The Netherlands: COC Amsterdam
Great Britain: Schools out
Germany: Bundesverband Jugend und Film e.V.
Spain: FARAPI, Social Anthropology Applied
Spain: Ararteko
Rue du Pavillon 3
1030 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 242.54.09
Fax: +32 2 242.74.27
Referente: Elise Van Beurden
Phone: +32 2 2425409
For over 30 years Jekino has been delivering dynamic and diverse films for children and young people. Jekino is an organization where culture, entertainment and education go hand in hand.
Jekino is known as a distributor specialised in children’s film, as a cultural partner and as a knowledge centre for everything about children, film and media.
Films and workshops customized for kids and youngsters find their way through Jekino to schools, to cinemas, to cultural centers and to the living room! In 2007 Jekino received the Flemish Cultural Award on Film for its 30 years of efforts in delivering quality movies to the (young) people.
ECFA – European Children’s Film Association
Felix Vangynderhuysen
Rue du Pavillon 3
1030 Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 242540
Fax: +32 2 2427427
Eva Schwarzwald
Phone: +39 02 45497694
Mobil: +39 338 1491032
Adam Graham
Film, Gaming & Media Education
skype: ant.creative
Board Member European Children’s Film Association (
ECFA, founded in 1988, is the organisation for all who are interested in high quality films for children and young people: film makers, producers, promoters, distributors, exhibitors, TV-programmers, festival organizers and film educators.
Audio-visual media in general and cinema in particular are vehicles for artistic communication and for cultural transmission. Now that the world is becoming a "global village", children and young people have more and more access to culture and those who use the cinematic media are more numerous than we can imagine. The aim of ECFA is to bring the children in contact with the great machine called cinema.
Milvana Panayotova
78 Knyaz Boris I Str., fl 2
1000 Sofia
Phone: +359 2 852 4713
SAPI was founded in 2001 in an attempt to introduce modern social work methods in Bulgaria. Since then, SAPI has implemented 10 big projects and partnered with numerous organisations all over Europe, as well as the Bulgarian government; Its mission is to develop social work as a helping profession enhancing the social inclusion of vulnerable groups in the social life of Bulgaria; we believe that all people have the capacity to be active and valuable citizens of their country. Sources of funding: partial governmental funding, as well as funding from international projects; SAPI has participated in numerous grant programmes, such as EC’s DAPHNE, Leonardo da Vinci, PHARE, as well as OAK Foundation, Open Society Foundation and COLPI program, Budapest etc.
CIG - Centro d'Iniziativa Gay (Arcigay Milano)
Marco Mori, Presidente
Via Bezzecca 3, 20135 Milano.
Phone: +39. 02 54122225
Fax: +39. 02 54122226
The C.I.G. (Centro di Iniziativa Gay) in Milan is a non-profit association of volunteers. The C.I.G. is organized as a gay community subdivided into several sections, commissions and working groups, promoting and inspired by principles of solidarity for homosexual and trans people. The CIG was formed in 1984 as an umbrella organisation for mobilising diverse political and gay consciousness groups. In the intervening decades, CIG has developed a broad range of documentary material, and a continuously improving structure for meeting the needs and expectations of the gay community. The structure includes: Accoglienza (Welcome Group), Biblioteca (Library), Cultura (Culture), Scuola (School), Telefono Amico (Gay Phone Help Line), Giovani (Young Network), Salute (Health and Illness). All the C.I.G. activities are primarily carried out by the volunteers. Member of Arcigay since 1985, the C.I.G. is local Committee of Arcigay in Milan since 2006.
Rosario Murdica,
Project Manager
Via Don Minzoni 18
40121 Bologna, Italy
Phone: +39. 05 10957241
Fax: +39. 05 10957243
It was founded in 1985 and is Italy’s foremost national gay rights organisation. In 2007 its membership exceeded 160,000. It acts as an umbrella organization for 114 (50 political/cultural and 64 recreational) local centres, throughout 48 provinces in Italy, from Bolzano in the north to Catania in the south. You can see the full list of political/cultural centres on the web at For a full directory of recreational centres (including bars, discos, saunas and other centres) go to Arcigay has its national headquarters in Bologna, in Via Don Minzoni, 18. Arcigay is a non-profit organisation that operates on a voluntary basis. Its aim is to combat homophobia, heterosexism, prejudice and anti-gay discrimination. It is committed to achieving equal status and equal opportunities among all individuals regardless of sexual orientation, and aims to reinforce a full, free and happy life for gay people.
Synergia s.r.l.
Rebecca Zanuso
Head of Unit
Via Mauro Macchi, 44
20124 Milano
Phone: +39 02 72093033
Fax:+39 02 72099743
Synergia is an Italian social research, training and consulting firm, based in Milan (Italy) operating since 1989 in the field of social and health policy. Synergia developed research projects for the public sector, for private companies and for the third sector, on local, national and European levels, deploying solid scientific expertise. The company helps public and private organizations in identifying optimal funding solutions for new projects; it follows the entire process of fulfilment of the project proposal; it accompanies the organizations in the partnership building process, by connecting with wide and differentiated networks of public and private organizations all over Europe; it takes care of the scientific coordination of the project, once it is funded; it develops research, consultancy and training within the framework of the project activities.
The area of fundamental rights and protection against violence, in particular the fight against discrimination in general, homophobia and transphobia in particular, as well as the defence and promotion of children's rights has been, in the past few years, one of the main focus of the work of Synergia, with the development of many related action-research projects.
Arcilesbica Zami
associazione nazionale
Via don Minzoni 18
Bologna 40121
Phone: +39 051 6492684
Fax: +39 051 6492684
ArciLesbica was founded as an independent organisation in 1986 and carries out similar activities to those of Arcigay. We joined ILGA-ILGA Europe in 2001. The main mission is:
- fighting discriminations against lesbians,
- empowering lesbians.
The headquarters are in Bologna, with 18 local organisations located nationwide. Trans and queer lesbians have been officially included in 2008. ArciLesbica Zami was born in 1997. ArciLesbica Zami’s mission is to fight any form of violence, prejudice and discrimination against lesbians. “Zami”, is the title of one of the most famous books by Audre Lorde, poet, writer, lesbian and afroamerican activist.
The Netherlands:
COC Amsterdam
Chairman, Mr. Jan van Asch
Rozenstraat 14
1016 NX Amsterdam
Phone: +31 20 626 30 87
Mobil: +31 627083338
Researcher and connection with COC
Ad van Dam
Harry Koningsbergerstraat 52
1063 AD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 614 73 27
COC Amsterdam (founded 1946) has a lot of experience in developing educational programs about issues regarding homosexuality and anti-discrimination. We are one of the leading local organizations on this with nearly 2000 members within the federation COC Netherlands. We have (among others) 40 volunteers who performed 500 educational lessons per schoolyear in an intensive network of (secondary) schools in Amsterdam and the area of Greater Amsterdam.
Our mission is integration of sexual diversity in society and personal empowerment for LGBT people. Our main activities are:
- Political lobbying regarding LGBT issues within the city of Amsterdam
- Providing “parental guidance” for young lgbt-people through aid, support, advice and security
- Providing educational lessons regarding homosexuality
- Setting up dialogues with ethnic and religious minorities
- Organizing public debates on sexual diversity issues
- Setting up security measures in cooperation with the Dutch police and fighting homophobia and discrimination
- Creating network meetings with special need groups i.e. transgenders, elderly lgbt people, lgbt from ethnic minorities
- Developing new concepts for promoting Amsterdam Gay Capital
Great Britain:
Schools out
BM Schools OUT
Founded in 1974, Schools OUT is funded by membership subscription.
- To provide both a formal and informal support network for all people who want to raise the issue of homophobia, transphobia and heterosexism in education.
- To campaign on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans issues as they affect education and those in education.
- To research, debate and stimulate curriculum development on LGBT issues.
Schools OUT is the only independent, voluntary national organisation that supports all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) stakeholders in education. Schools OUT has over 35 years’ experience in addressing discrimination against staff in the education sector due to their actual – or perceived – sexual orientation and gender identity.
Schools Out has two other projects which it promotes: LGBT History Month, which takes place across the UK every February and The Classroom, a one-stop-shop for teachers and trainers to raise the profile of LGBT people in schools and colleges.
Bundesverband Jugend und Film e.V.
Reinhold T. Schöffel
Ostbahnhofstraße 15
60314 Frankfurt/M.
Phone: +49 69 6312723
Fax: +49 69 6312922
Günther Kinstler
Phone: +49 2222 99 59 141
Fax: +49 2222 99 59 139
Mobil: +49 173 8685160
With approximately 900 local and regional film clubs for children and young people BJF is one of the most active organisations for childrens film culture in Europe. BJF provides its members with various services:
- distribution with 500 feature films for non-theatrical / non-profit public screenings;
- DVD-label "Durchblick"-Filme with selected arthouse films for young audiences – including complete study guides;
- approximately 50 seminars per year on film for youth workers, teachers etc. as well as for young people who are interested in film;
- information, newsletters, magazines, advice and support all around film culture for young audiences;
- “Young Filmscene” – a network for young people who make or want to make their own films or videos. The network provides them with all information they need to improve their knowledge on filmmaking and to make contacts to others with similar interests, all over Germany and to other countries as well.
With all these activities BJF offers children and young people the chance to participate in high-quality film culture wherever they live.
Social Anthropology Applied
Begoña Pecharromán Ferrer
Mundaiz bidea, 10 2. bulegoa 23
20012 Donostia-San Sebastián
Basque Country – Spain
Phone: +34 943003585
Mobil: +34 685755461
Fax: +34 943003584
Farapi S.L. is a university spin-off company based in San Sebastian (Basque Country in Spain). It was founded in 2004 and undertakes applied social anthropology in a variety of arenas: mobility, urban planning, gender...Our team has expertise in the anthropological methodology: ethnography, netnography, and qualitative and participative investigation, which consists of establishing direct contact with those involved in each area within their own contexts and organisations. Such a thorough examination leads to an understanding of the differing values, attitudes, beliefs, expectations and perspectives of those involved; and thus of the factors which determine behaviours and group dynamics. A long-term aim is involvement in projects to promote Human Rights.
Ombudsman of the Basque Country
Prado, 9
01005 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Phone: +34 945 13 51 18
Fax: +34 945 13 51 02
Referent for the project:
María Luisa Aguirreche
The Ararteko - Ombudsman of the Basque Country (, Spain
is the Basque Parliament’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, an autonomous body, working independently from any and all political powers.
The Ararteko’s primary function is to safeguard human rights vis-à-vis abuses of power and authority and incorrect action on the part of Basque public administrations. The Ararteko also formulates recommendations for improving policies in order to secure enhanced protection and safeguarding of human rights, particularly for those subject to vulnerable circumstances, at risk, excluded, discriminated against, or in precarious social positions. . Since 2007 the Ararteko has been promoting and defending LGBT rights through a special working area dealing with LGBT rights and questions. The main activities in this area are: processing citizens´ claims regarding violation of LGBT rights by public administration and promoting full social acceptance of sexual diversity by: organising workshops and seminars; establishing relations with LGBT associations; sensitizing public institutions about main demands of LGBT movement; doing research and editing publications on different issues relating to LGBT questions.